RR story
Wir schaffen
für die Zukunft des Einzelhandels
Mit mehr als 3 Jahrzehnten and Erfahrung in mechanischer Fertigung und mehr al sein Jahrzehnt and Forschung und Entwicklung haben wir starke automatisierte Abhol-Geräte und klassische Paketschließfächer entwickelt, die an der Spitze der Innovation stehen.
Unsere neuen Technologien ermöglichen es uns, das volle Potential des Einzelhandels durch Effizienzsteigerung von Kurier- und Logistiknetzwerken, Verbesserung der Kundenerfahrung und durch Erreichung eines kleinen ökologischen Footprint der Lieferungen zu entfalten.
Wichtige Daten

Next generation click & collect solutions are at the forefront of the last-mile revolution. With our company, these robotic technologies are at your fingertips.
For e-commerce, we’ve developed PickupHero Convenience. Thanks to the use of an internal robot PHC has the biggest capacity with the smallest footprint on the market. That’s why it can be placed in every small store and other location(s) with limited space and allows to quickly build vast pickup networks in big cities.
We are also proud developers and producers of classic parcel lockers which we’ve perfected over the last 15 years. Tens of thousands of them are placed worldwide, and they perform with the highest reliability ratio.
For e-grocery, we have created the next generation pick-up solution: Arctan. Full automation of the machine results in the smallest footprint with the highest capacity on the market. It allows very fast pickup by 2-3 users at the same time, and simultaneous loading by the courier.
And yes, we do it all ourselves. Well, actually it’s done by Mariusz, Darek, Agata and over 400 other members of the Retail Robotics team working in our own factories and R&D Centers. Thanks to their work, we are a major global player with a production capacity of 35 000 units per year.
But the best part is that our solutions are profitable for retailers, user-friendly, and kind to the environment. Delivery infrastructure based on our solutions requires 15 times fewer kilometers driven by vans, thus reducing congestion and air pollution.
Not to sound immodest: We ROCK!

We are already supporting the creation of hub delivery infrastructure for the biggest logistic providers and retailers on EU markets.
One of our biggest clients are Inpost and Mondial Relay (group Inpost) which have the biggest parcel locker network in Europe. The Inpost Group has received over 150 million packages in 2021. To date, Retail Robotics has produced more than 40,000 parcel locker units for Inpost and we serve them with international service. In 2022 we’ve started supplying them with robotic solutions – Pickup Hero Convenience – which, as Rafał Brzoska (CEO of Inpost) stated in one of the interviews will be for premium international locations:
“It is possible that these will be the premium locations in Paris and London. So we have tested a new technology in Poland, which – thanks to a robotic mechanism – can handle as many parcels as possible in a small place. Unlike classic parcel machines, which consist of static lockers. This is of key importance in the centers of large cities, where it is impossible to find a location for large free-standing machines, such as those known from the Polish market.”

As a way to fully utilize our potential and speed up company growth, we are also investing in building Universal Network for e-grocery:
The chain is a pioneer on the pickup market in Paris as the first multibrand click & collect chain in the world, dedicated to e-grocery shopping.
Unsere Unternehmenswerte

Wir schaffen Innovation
Wir verbessern bestehende Geschäftsmodelle und bieten innovative Lösungen

Wir liefern
Wir halten unsere Versprechen und liefern, was wir versprechen

Wir kümmern uns
Wir kümmern uns um unsere Partner, Kunden, Mitarbeiter und den Planeten

Wir träumen von einer besseren Zukunft und glauben das nur der Himmel ein Limit ist!

Łukasz Nowiński
A visionary and a missionary of hard work. Before ‘unleashing retail’ at Retail Robotics – he co‑created and co‑managed the biggest parcel locker network in Europe – Inpost.
Wir glauben, dass unsere disruptiven Technologien die Effizient und den Komfort der Lieferungen und von Click & Collect-Verfahren im E-Commerce und im E-Lebensmittelhandel verbessern.”

Małgorzata Czarnobil
Chief Accountant – Deputy Financial Director
We believe
we can change the world
for better!
We accept no limitations. We challenge the now and create new habits and behaviors. In cooperation with our long standing and new partners we transform the retail delivery for consumer’s convenience and better accessibility to goods.